Information Architecture and why is it so important for your Web project

Do you know what information architecture is. Have you ever considered whether the way in which you are presenting. The content of your site to your users is the most optimal. And with which you can make it easier for them to find. What they came to look for on your Website. It is likely […]

Quora and how to use this social network in your Digital strategies

Internet users are constantly searching for information. Sometimes, they want answers to very specific questions, about specific topics. And Quora has those answers. Beyond Google there are other options and channels to take into account. Which provide many benefits, both to brands at the level of positioning and branding. And to users (who satisfy their […]

What are soft skills and why are they important for companies

What are soft, Soft skills are the personal abilities that a worker has and that help them achieve better professional development. They are the ones that you learn to achieve in your life. And that are related to your personality your behavior. And the way you interact with the people around you. As the person […]

Create a free web page? 16 Powerful Platforms

Create a free, Another factor to take into account is that the pages developed with SiteW are responsive . They are optimized for mobile devices, which is an essential requirement nowadays. You can customize any design detail to. Create a website tailored to you. SiteW also offers many tools that promote SEO positioning. So you […]

Create a free web page? 16 Powerful Platforms

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Instagram work and how to use it professionally in your Brand strategy

  Do you want to know how Instagram works exactly. If your goal is to work with your Brand or business on this social network. Let me tell you that you should try to take advantage of all its potential. And the great global growth that this platform has had in the Digital field. Therefore, […]