Narenda Wicaksono Editor: Mutiara Arumsari Consistently Make Progress with Atomic Habit – end Check out other self-growth articles from CEO Dicoding below: From Developer to Tech Entrepreneur 4 Important WFH checklist for you Tips for becoming a Developer in the Era of Disruption: Self-Transformation through Certification Disrupt or be disrupted. Life choices in this era. An era and social disruption is very challenging. On the one hand, digitalization has penetrated all aspects of life. Meanwhile, on the other hand, our lives socially have changed 180 degrees because of the pandemic. Like it or not, we are required to change. Otherwise, the stakes are, extinction. The above is a dilemma for Huda Rahman.

This sector was successful for decades

 Hakim (23 years), a developer from Medan. Initially he worked at a mining company. but faded in the era of disruption. After the contract was terminated and the year changed, Huda never got a developer job. Even though the experience and educational background are relevant. Then Huda looked deep inside herself. What makes him lose in the era of disruption? What did he then do to whatsapp database achieve his dream career? Let’s take a look. Developers in the Era of Disruption: Full of Challenges Huda had experience working for one of the largest mining company contractors in Indonesia. His profession at that time was IT Infrastructure Engineer. After a year of work, the company did not renew his contract. What’s the reason? Economic disruption, one of them. Let’s look at it in a broader.

When Huda was laid off last year

 The mining industry in Indonesia was no longer attractive. This sector is entering a twilight period. Its value fades . In fact, the national mining sector index grew negatively (-) 12.83% in 2019 (Investasi.Kontan 1/1/2020). However, on the contrary, the contribution of the Digital Economy sector to Indonesia’s Student Mobile List Domestic Product (GDP) increased to 5.5% (CNBC Indonesia 9/12/2020). As a result, Huda was adrift looking for work without success from 2019 to 2020. He had tried to apply for dozens of vacancies for the Engineer profession. But none of them made it to the interview stage. As a result, this Medan State Polytechnic graduate was.

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