The brand showcase is the ordered brand page. This is a good place to showcase your entire product catalog and brand identity with promised high quality products as compared to the regular sellers in the market.

Branded Search Branded searches have to do with the ability of shoppers to search for products in your store versus the entire Lazada platform. This allows you to put your own branded products at the forefront when someone visits your online store.

Vouchers & Discounts
Vouchers/discounts are also obviously very effective in converting visitors into customers because they make your prices more attractive. Lazada loves it when sellers offer vouchers/discounts and will often give your product more visibility in the recommendations widget if you do this.

Product Details Page

Product detail pages are the conversion point. For product detail pages, it is important to ensure that your description is accurate, professional, clear and optimized for SEO. SEO optimized product detail pages get the most visibility on Lazada. Meanwhile, accurate, high-quality descriptions created with Lorikeet will earn you buyers’ trust and help increase conversion rates. It also helps them visualize the product they plan to buy and feel confident about it.

3. Desire
Lazada implemented two features that will enable potential buyers to take action on products that interest them. These features include:

Favorites – Favorites (or Wish-List) is a mechanism for shoppers to add products to their saved list of products that they wish to purchase. This is usually done before a campaign so customers can buy quickly phone number list once prices drop.
Put it in the basket – This is the holy grail. Everything you do in selling in the marketplace is based on the ultimate goal of getting customers to add your product to cart.

In the Lazada Sales Funnel

phone number list

here’s how you can make potential buyers want your products:

Positive customer reviews & good customer service – You can earn positive customer reviews by consistently providing good service to your customers and proactively requesting reviews. In online sales, this Student Mobile List means fast/reliable delivery and ensuring that they receive high quality goods. Part of good service also means being responsive and helpful with customer questions.
Product detail page – You need to have a good product detail page that clearly communicates.

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