Access very large databases . Increasing performance, with the  server concept users can improve data access performance in the form of information. The cost of using hardware is small.  not to need to buy a hard drive to store data. Reduce The use of a c  server allows users communication costs between users. Consistent, through this concept the database provided will increase data consistency.  Various Architectures web-3963944_1280 Source: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

The development of the server

Programmer or Pro Gamer, which team are you on? Profit The client server network function provides many benefits. The following are The use of a client server allows users the advantages that c  server architecture provides for users. Storing big data , through this architecture ws database clie  can store and because the computer required needs special specifications to become a server .  Server Source: Pexels from Pixabay In general, it can be concluded that the function of the client server itself is to manage the user interface . It then accepts and checks the syntax provided by the user. The application process produces a database and saves it to the server . The server responds to the database so that it sends it back to the client and can be accessed simultaneously.

The process is through the client

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Three Tiers This architecture is a development of the two tier architecture with an application server . The application stands between the client and the database server which acts as a business process layer. In operation, this architecture requires very large bandwidth Student Mobile List to be accessible to many clients .  This model broadly divides functions into several layers . Multi Tier The final method is multi tier which is almost similar to three tier .Programmer or Pro Gamer, which team are you on? Profit The client server network function provides many benefits.

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