Unemployed for a long time, Huda did a lot of self-reflection. He realized that his value was lacking. When applying for a job, he relies entirely on diplomas and experience alone. Even though these two things are common among thousands Become . More Relevant Having been of other applicants. “It’s natural that my application was rejected,” he added. Huda also understood. Almost all companies today are actively driving digitalization. They are competing to create more seamless and modern customer service and internal systems. That’s why companies really need developers to make it happen. Here Huda saw an opportunity. Precisely the opportunity to transform oneself from an unemployed person into a relevant developer talent.

This is an effort to increase sel

How to? Certification -value through mastering new skills . That are recognized by the industry. Focus on Certification It didn’t take long for Huda to start investing her time and concentration in studying Dicoding. In less than 3 months, this ambitious figure took 6 classes and completed them well. He applies whatsapp number list Programming learning methods aggressively. This fits Scott Young’s description in his popular book, Ultralearning. Learning at Dicoding allows Huda to apply “Ultralearning” aka the strategy of deepening skills and knowledge in a self-directed way, aka independent and intensive (Young, 2019: 25) Now, graduates of the IDCamp scholarship program and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The web material is easy to understand

Whatsapp Number List

Facilitation have 2 new programming skills: Machine Learning and Front-end Web Developer . Initially he had studied Web Development theory at college, but he thought it was complicated. “It’s different from coding .he said. Meanwhile, for Machine Learning, he just studied it for the first time in Dicoding. What’s the result Student Mobile List Previously Unemployed. Now Developer Talent is Relevant The provision of certification bore sweet fruit. In 2019 – June 2020, he didn’t get a single call for an interview. Now, it’s the opposite. All the companies he applied to, invited him for interviews. A total of 5 national companies with well-known reputations.

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