Social platform advertising

Social platform advertising If you have the ability to host physical events, physical lectures are also a great way to build a list. Although physical lectures are more expensiveand time-consuming, meeting them makes you feel more at ease, and people will be more willing to invest more in interacting with you because they have already gone there.

If physical lectures can provide participants with practical content, the conversion rate they can achieve will be several times that of online lectures.


We help customers sell online courses

will definitely conduct a “test sale” through an online Cayman Islands Phone Number List questionnaire before officially launching it. This not only helps us understand the needs of potential customers, but also obtains their contact information.

Those who promise to backfill the questionnaire will be given a certain discount after the course goes online. You can use the backfill status of the questionnaire to estimate the sales situation after the course goes online.

Cayman Islands Phone Number List

Template companies serve customers

When many , they will originally use some documents and methods to clarify customer needs or solve customer problems. These documents themselves can be converted into practical templates to attract potential customers to obtain lists.

For example, tools like “Social Media Marketing Belgium Phone Number Plan Template” can attract people who are in need of social media marketing.

Want to know what the template looks like? You can refer to this template example made by me:


study sheet

Worksheets are an educational tool that help potential clients learn a specific skill. The advantage to you is that it helps potential customers have a certain understanding of your subsequent services.

In addition to obtaining a customer list, it can also achieve the effect of reducing subsequent communication costs. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. For example, the “SEO Basic Study Sheet” can attract customers who want to learn SEO.


Free course videos

If you sell knowledge products, for example, you are a lecturer, in addition to obtaining a customer list, you can provide customers with free samples so that they can benefit from free courses first, which can greatly enhance their trust in you and your trust in you. Your paid products generate interest, making it easier to convert in subsequent follow-up sales.

For example, before selling a physical workshop, a 60-minute online video course is provided.



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