A maximum subsidy of 2,000 yuan per room

Affect by the epidemic this year, the tourism industry hardest hit. At this time when the epidemic is easing, the Ministry of Transport. In order to stimulate national tourism, has launched an anti-epidemic. Tourism activity on May 27 this year (109), and has successively provided guidance. To the tourism industry in handling A maximum anti-epidemic travel. Online exchange activities have reached 35 themed routes. After increasing travel confidence and in conjunction with the gradual lifting of the epidemic, the “Safe. Travel International Travel Subsidy Program” will be launch from July 1 this year (109). The international epidemic has not yet completely eased. Under the plan, Chinese people are encouraged to change their originally plann overseas travel. To more sophisticated and in-depth domestic travel. Different from previous international travel subsidies, the peace-of-mind travel plan does not. Distinguish between weekdays and is expected to expand the scale of the national tourism market. This time, the Anxin Tourism Subsidy has launched five major plans to boost national tourism consumption and promote the development of the overall related industries of “food, accommodation, travel, shopping, and travel” required for tourism.

The entire program is more in line

With the needs of the general public and can effectively drive crowds and stimulate consumption. It will be applicable to all holidays, including “group travel discounts”, “free travel accommodation discounts”, “tourism and amusement Chile Phone Number List park admission discounts”, “Taiwan The implementation period is from July 1 to October 31, 2020, to revitalize the tourism industry and stimulate the overall market economic activity. It is estimated that NT$ will be invested The funding of 3.9 billion yuan is expected to drive about 6.38 million people to travel, creating direct and indirect tourism benefits of about 23.5 billion yuan.


Chile Phone Number List

The “Safe Travel International

Travel Subsidy Program” launched this time is based on the principle of “easy for the public to receive, easy cooperation for the industry, and fast verification”. The content of the subsidy program is simple and convenient for both A maximum the people and the industry. It also stimulates outlying island tourism and drives Chinese people to travel to China Phone Number List the outlying islands. During this season, we arrange trips to scenic spots with local characteristics across the country to experience local culture and food, and inject vitality and  impetus into the national tourism market. In addition, travel operators are encourag to hire tour guides or tour leaders to serve. As tour escorts, and additional subsidies will be given to each group. A maximum  To help improve the opportunities for international tourism to lead tours. By encouraging citizens to travel, we hope that more people can enhance friendship with their families and friends through travel, which is beneficial to their physical and mental health. At the same time, it will benefit more related businesses and bring unlimited business opportunities to the local area.


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