How to write amazing posts on your blog

Don’t forget the main Core Web Vitals metrics either, which you can check in this tool. gtmetrix result. Thanks to having set up my own website business bas on an idem, I can make a living from my services, in addition to also generating income from training sales and affiliate marketing. And, what do you ne to create a website to start a business ?  How to write Plugins that will help you optimize the loading spe of your WordPress website There are some plugins that will help us keep the 5 most influential elements at bay that I told you about a little above. Thus, we will be able to greatly minimize the loading time. cache plugins There are several types of plugins depending on their purpose.

Optimization plugins

Cache plugins: WP Rocket (Premium, but highly recommend). W3 Total Cache. WP Super executive email list Cache. WP Fastest Cache. Code : Perfmatters (Premium, but highly recommend). Autoptimize . Database Cleanup Plugins: WP-Optimize . Clean Up Booster . WP DB Cleaner . 7 recommendations to improve the loading spe of a WordPress website Let’s now see some recommendations that can be great for you when optimizing your website and achieving good loading spe. Well, as long as you hire hosting and use WordPress (the best web content manager), you can start. You can either design it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you.

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Too basic options

How to write Choose a good hosting provider The first step you will have to take to have a website is to Student Mobile List hire a domain (the name of your website) and hosting (to host it and always have it publish). At this point, many people make the mistake of hiring cheap hosting “just to get by” and do not realize that by hiring poor quality hosting or, everything they do later on your website may not be worth anything. , because you already carry a burden that is difficult to move. Has making money with your website sound good to you ? Let’s continue then. How much money can you earn with a website? Well, this answer is totally ambiguous. As I told you, you can make money with a website , of course, but there are people who are earning millions and others barely manage to pay the self-employ fee.

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