Which aims to strengthen the digital services of the public sector to the public. The project is ambitious and forward-looking, but by greatly enhancing the digital services of the public sector, it is estimate that the state can save around 9.6 billion per year. Over the past year, Hugsmiðjan has been involve in the design and development of exciting projects for Digital Iceland. An example can be mentione Hugsmiðjun’s work in developing a new solution for regulgerd.is with regard to the synergistic effects of the regulations library with Styrnartíðind and Lögbirtingablaðin.

The website regulgerd

Manages all the regulations that apply in Iceland. It is a collection of almost 12,000 articles and 14 different types of regulations. There are database currently three thousand regulations in force. The web solution was in old systems, which have beenrenewe and place inside the complete solution of Stafræn Íslands. During the development of the new regulation solution, emphasis was placd on developing a new user-oriente and efficient interface, where users can see the actual version of the regulation on one page, along with a history of changes as well as the founding regulation. The new solution is basd on a detaile analysis of the insertion flow for the.


Official Gazette and

Lögbirtingarblaðir, and that analysis was the key to the development of the solution. We believe that by leveraging the insights of existing users and Student Mobile List applying a more. User-centric approach throughout the process, we develop outstanding digital solutions. At the recent general meeting of Hugsmiðinn ehf. took Agnar Tr. Le’Macks is a member of the company’s board of directors. Then Ragnheiður Agnarsdóttir and Margeir Steinar Ingólfsson were re-electe Agnar has extensive experience in strategic planning, innovation and consulting. He is an entrepreneur in food production and technology development as well as knowing firsthand the evolution. From traditional advertising to modern marketing. Agnar is the chairman of the board of communication company.

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