Choose Dates and Times Carefully

Strong links with finished brands and services. This is reflected in ease of recall and reproduction and general awareness of their identity, purpose and function. A conversation with a manager or a survey can allow you to identify potential buyers. They typically gather additional information about the advertised product and ask clarifying questions. If there […]

Good Time to Send Mailing Time Can Affect the Number of Times an Email is Opened

For quickly adjusting ongoing advertising campaigns. Timely implementation of changes allows you to understand and optimize marketing costs and establish a clear and effective sales process. The content of your project comes from a professional copywriter Order Content In this article analyze how to correctly calculate the effectiveness of your ad, which indicators to consider […]

Visit Pages Time Spent on Pages

According to research conducted these indicators depend on the days of the month. Therefore, the opening rate of the first day is that of the fourth day. Also read 3 Steps to Creating an Effective Email Campaign Email marketing is a necessary part of your PR and marketing strategy. But how to make your emails […]

Cross-channel Sales And Marketing

Cross-channel selling refers to promoting and marketing your Shopee store through social media pages. Due to the large number of people selling and searching for items to buy on Facebook or Instagram, engaging your Shopee store with these social media channels can help you increase your sales. By doing so, you increase your chances of […]

Create Effective Product Descriptions

To write epic product descriptions means to allow your customers to get an overview of what to expect with your product in terms of features and functionality. Unprofessionally written product descriptions can go two ways: they can be too technical or too salesy. Because some people try to be more specific when it comes to […]

6 Tips To Become A Shopee Preferred Seller

Shopee Preferred Seller is a credential given to active shopee sellers who are able to maintain high store ratings, good customer service with little to no failed or canceled transactions either by sellers or customers. To be more specific, becoming a Preferred Shopee Seller means you are successfully implementing Shopee’s vision of providing shoppers with […]

How to Use My Discount Promotion Tool

Enter your promotion name and indicate the promotion period. Note that you need to set a timeframe of 24 hours from when you create your promotion. Once the time frame is set, you will not be able to extend it. However, you can still shorten it. 5 Tips To Increase Your Shopee Sales Start adding […]